
טיול לבית שערים

האירוע ייחל בעוד:
על האירוע:

 Monday, June 17: Bus trip to and picnic at Bet Shearim National Park and Antiquity site! This amazing, meaningful and beautiful site near Yokneam, about a half hour away is SO worth seeing! https://en.parks.org.il/reserve-park/bet-shearim-national-park/. This half day tour will be guided by local professional guide Simon Oster, in English. The charge is 60 NIS, payable to the Zamarin Community Center of Zichron through the link below

9:00 AM departure with return approximately 1 PM. 9:45 am group picnic at this park (on benches, under trees, bring your own food and drink), followed by a guided tour by professional tour guide Simon Oster. Departure site will be sent to those who have registered for this event


Wear comfortable walking shoes, a hat, and bring plenty of water



מחיר: 60